Oliver Hazard Perry @ Put-in-Bay

Oliver Hazard Perry
Master Commandant Oliver Hazard Perry is a 5th cousin to Belle Champlin. 
 Oliver Hazard Perry.'s brother, Commodore Matthew Perry, compelled the opening of Japan to the West. They were direct descendants of William Wallace.

U. S. Navy motto
The phrase was originally uttered by mortally wounded captain James Lawrence, taken below decks where he commanded his crew, "Don't give up the ship!" His words inspired his crew, who fought valiantly and...gave up the ship. Within fifteen minutes of the start of the battle, British forces had overwhelmed the Americans and raised the Union Jack. Master Commandant Oliver H. Perry named his ship Lawrence after the fallen captain and flew a banner with his words while decisively winning the Battle of Lake Erie.

Battle of Lake Erie
Oliver Hazard Perry, known as the Hero of the Battle of Lake Erie, had as his opponent Commander Barclay who had fought with Lord Nelson at Trafalgar in 1805. The British made their approach down the Detroit River. Captain Stephen Champlin was in command of the Scorpion; he fired the first and last shots of the famous naval battle. Perry issued orders for the Scorpion and the Ariel to open fire. After 3 hours, as the British vessels surrendered, 2 gunboats tried to escape but were tracked down and snared by the Scorpion and Trippe. 
Put-In-Bay, Ohio, Christmas 1812

The Battle of Lake Erie proved one of the most resounding triumphs of the War of 1812, insuring that the states of Ohio and Michigan would be the sovereign territory of the United States of America. Victory accomplished, Perry penned the famous message to General Harrison, "We have met the enemy and they are ours."